This question is not too difficult, but be careful to consider a lot of edge cases.
Thought process:
- Loop through abbr
- If the character is a numeric value, keep track of the number (it can be 2 digits), also make sure that it is not a '0' value since it is invalid if it's a leading 0 numeric value.
- Increase the count/pointer as you iterate. And for each character that is not a numeric value, check it against word.
- If the character at some point is not matching, you can return immediately.
- If towards the end, the abbr count (total length of abbr) is the same as word, they match.
Time Complexity: O(n)
Link: Valid Word Abbreviation
* @param {string} word
* @param {string} abbr
* @return {boolean}
var validWordAbbreviation = function(word, abbr) {
let aCount = 0;
let int = "";
for(let i =0;i<abbr.length;i++){
if(parseInt(int) == 0){
return false;
if(!isNaN(abbr[i]) && parseInt(int) != 0){
int += abbr[i];
if(int.length > 0){
aCount += parseInt(int);
int = "";
let idx = aCount -1;
if(word[idx] != abbr[i]){
console.log(word[idx]+ " " + abbr[i]);
return false;
if(abbr.length-1 == i) {
if(int.length > 0){
aCount += parseInt(int);
int = "";
return (aCount == word.length);